Top 10 Heating Hacks for 2021

Top 10 Heating Hacks for 2021

Top 10 Heating Hacks for 2021

Last month, we published the post 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Heating Bill Going Into 2021. In the article, we gave tips on how to save money on your heating bills, such as upgrading your boiler, investing in smart thermostats and switching energy suppliers. But what else can you do? Are there simple hacks that you can use to ensure your home stays as warm as possible, using the least possible energy? At a time when we’re at home more than ever before, heating our properties when they’re usually empty, it’s easy to rack up energy costs. Indeed, heating accounts for half of our monthly energy bills, so any savings that can be made in this area can have a significant impact on monthly outgoings.


Here are our top ten heating hacks for 2021. All are simple and straightforward. Also, most importantly for those looking to save money, they’re all either low-cost solutions or won’t cost a thing:


  1. Embrace zone heating

If you’re trying to save money on your heating bills then there are two things you can do to prevent energy wastage. Firstly, turn your thermostat down to the lowest possible temperature. The government recommends a setting of 18 degrees for the whole house, but if this is too chilly then we recommend 19-20 degrees. However, the second step you can take will drive even more savings. This is zone heating your home. Essentially, zone heating is thinking about where and when you need the heat. If you have a traditional thermostat that governs the whole house, this will involve setting the valves on individual radiators in each room, warming used rooms more than empty ones. If you have smart thermostats you can take it one step further, directing the heat as and where you need it most. Why heat the bedrooms during the day? Why heat the living room at night? By thinking about zone heating, you can easily minimise energy wastage.


  1. Have a shower not a bath

Yes, we know that having a bath is a great way to warm up. But by switching to a shower you’ll not only save on water usage, but you’ll also use far less hot water, driving energy savings. If you want to invest further in this solution, you can fit an energy-efficient shower head. This works by limiting the flow rate to 7-8 litres per minute. Also, during the summer, think about taking a cooler shower, this will help ensure energy bills are kept to a minimum in warmer months.


  1. Insulate your windows and doors

There’s nothing worse than pumping heat out of radiators but knowing that cold air is seeping in around doors and windows. This is both costly and futile. So inspect your windows and doors, and invest in some low-cost quick fixes. For your windows, unwanted gaps can be blocked using draught-proofing strips. These can be purchased from major DIY stores and are really easy to stick around window frames. There are two types: low-cost self-adhesive foam strips and plastic or metal brush strips, which cost a little more but are longer lasting. For windows that don’t open, use a silicone sealant. When it comes to doors, gapping around the frame can be remedied using draught-proof strips. For draughts coming under the door, install a brush or hinged draught excluder, or even a simple cushion draught excluder. Also, consider a letterbox flap and a purpose-made metal key cover to completely seal your entrance from draughts.


  1. Add curtains and rugs

There’s nothing like soft furnishings to warm a space, give it character and make it feel like home. The current trend for stripped wood floors, open-plan spaces and blinds, however, can make a space feel cool and create echoes. As contemporary as space looks, these aesthetics might be on trend but they can be unwelcoming, particularly if you’re struggling to keep the space warm. A simple heating hack here is to install curtains and a deep-pile rug. Also, think about opening your curtains or blinds during the day to make the most of the warming sunlight, and closing them as soon as the sun goes down, to preserve heat in the room.


  1. Block the chimney

Many of us own homes with a lovely open fireplace but never use it for heating. This means that there’s a space in your home that’s allowing warm air to escape from the home. So to prevent this heat loss, consider blocking up any unused chimney flues. You can do this using a chimney cap, or a more temporary option such as a chimney balloon.


  1. Leave the oven door open after cooking

We use our ovens pretty much daily, especially during these unprecedented times,  with pandemic restrictions making dining out seem like a thing of the past. But how many of us shut the oven door after cooking a meal? Think about it, you’ve warmed the internal temperature to as high as 250 degrees centigrade! That will take a while to cool down, so rather than leave all that lovely heat inside the oven, leave the door slightly open and let it warm your kitchen. (Although please note, obviously you have to use your judgement here if you have young children running around).


  1. Use a hot water bottle

For some, climbing into cool bed sheets is bliss, for others, it’s very unwelcoming. If you like to get into warm bedding, then keep heating costs to a minimum by using a good old-fashioned hot water bottle. Simply place the hot water bottle under your duvet or blankets, and towards the foot of the bed. This is a simple solution and means you won’t need to switch on that electric blanket or keep the radiators on overnight.


  1. Close off unused rooms

This may sound obvious, but heat not only rises but a lot is lost moving to cooler rooms. Even if you’ve turned the heating down in unused rooms, if the door is open then you’ll lose heat from the rooms where you need it most. So make sure your bedroom doors are shut during the day, as well as the doors to unused rooms downstairs. At night, close off all downstairs doors.


  1. Move soft furnishings away from radiators and windows

Warm air from radiators needs to move unimpeded across a room. If you have sofas or chairs pushed up against a radiator then try moving them forward by a few inches. This will prevent the furniture from absorbing the heat. The gap created will also allow the warm air to freely circulate in the room. Maybe consider a summer and winter configuration, if space is at a premium.


  1. Put tin foil behind radiators

This may not be the most aesthetically pleasing solution, but it’s actually one of the most productive and straightforward heating hacks out there. However, rather than the tin foil we use for baking, you’ll need to purchase specialist silver foil from a DIY store. It’s very cheap – on average costing £7 a roll – and can be installed using wallpaper paste. The foil then reflects heat into the house, preventing it from being absorbed by the walls.


We hope these heating hacks will help you save money on your heating bills. If you’re still struggling to heat your home and want to know more about the best electric heating options, then get in touch today. We can help direct you to the most energy-efficient electric radiators and heaters on the market. Contact us at or you can call one of our team on 01252 560770.

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