Richard Fuller

Richard Fuller

Purchased 8 Economiser units to swap out 5 x 30 year old storage heaters! These units instantly modernise a room and look great - a massive reduction in the size of units, old bulk to new slim line. Despite approximately a 50% reduction in kWh across the house, costs to run are only marginally cheaper (combination of higher standard rate charges and units in rooms that had no heating before!), however we have heat when we want it and need it through the whole house and can crank them up or wind them back on demand.

Long gone are the raging hot E7 early hours and then cooling ineffective units in the evenings, when you really want the heat!

I'd recommend EHE and certainly use them again if the need arises.

06 February 2020

Company Response : Hi Richard,

Thanks for your review. We really appreciate your feedback. Your running costs should reduce pretty noticeably and your overall rate should be less. Obviously running costs depend on your level of insulation in the property, but there are other things to check into. You may find that you're still paying for usage previous to your change of heating. Submitting a meter reading to your supplier is a good idea. We take it you're now on a more cost-effective tariff than E7? If you haven't switched yet, then you'll be paying over the odds. The other thing to consider is that you're now warm in the evenings, when previously the E7 storage heaters were cold. Lastly, on a decent single-rate tariff, you should see a reduction in the rate that you pay for all of your other appliances - so lighting, TV, kitchen appliances, washer, dryer - anything that's not your heating, will cost you less to use all year-round too.

We're on hand to help out with this any time. Just get on touch.

Team EHE.